The evolution of Cantonese cuisisne. Upgrading the Hong Kong style (dip-tau-faan: A variety of foods served with rice in a big plate as a meal.) by quality ingredients with our evolutionary treatment is the initial idea of flowerdrum'startup. Same same but different.
MenusJing Alley
The mysterious sensation of Spiciness. It provokes an immediate reaction, often triggering pain and numbness. Jing Alley is catered for spicy food lover. We specialises in the Chengdu variation of Sichuan cuisine. To create elegant and stylish feasts, the restaurant uses high quality ingredients coupled with countless combinations of chili peppers.
Fat J Char Siu
小篆作為古老的漢字書寫形式,承載著深厚的文化底蘊。每一筆每一劃,都是對傳統的尊敬與未來的期許。這個 logo 不僅是我們的象徵,更是我們對食材、工藝以及顧客的承諾。感謝大家的支持,期待你們來我們餐廳品嚐最美味的叉燒!
The Bowl
We have transformed from offering traditional Cantonese cuisine to incorporating modern fusion techniques, creating the food that is uniquely The Bowl. The Bowl's kitchen blends the culinary tradition of different nations to create innovative and sometimes quite interesting dishes by using relatively gentle methods, such as braising, sautéing, steaming, stewing, and stir-frying, in order to preserve and highlight the true natural flavors. Our chefs bring in ingredients and flavors inherent from different cultures to provide a large variety of dishes. We strive to offer our customers memorable dining experience in every patronage.